Avengers: The Initiative (2007) #23

Read Now Avengers: The Initiative (2007) #23




Steven Harmon's powers have been described as "all of the abilities of a Saturday morning cartoon character."



Taskmaster first exhibited his unusual ability, called "photographic reflexes," which allowed him to mimic the motion of anyone he saw, when he was a young boy.

Thor Girl

Thor Girl

Tarene, aware of her true nature as the Designate, a being foretold to elevate all life to greatness, sought adventure and, using Thor as a template, transformed herself into an Asgardian goddess and journeyed to Earth.

Tigra (Greer Nelson)

Tigra (Greer Nelson)

Although she was able to use the cat's-head amulet to change back to her human form, Greer Nelson became so accustomed to and enamored of her feline form that she seldom made the transformation.



Terrance Ward was drafted into the Initiative training program because of his telepathic and shape-shifting abilities.

Typhoid Mary

Typhoid Mary

Typhoid Mary, an enemy and former lover of Daredevil with psionic powers, including telekinesis, is also truly gravely mentally ill and not entirely responsible for her actions.