X-Men (1991) #90

Read Now X-Men (1991) #90


Abomination (Emil Blonsky)

Abomination (Emil Blonsky)

Formerly known as Emil Blonsky, a spy of Soviet Yugoslavian origin working for the KGB, the Abomination gained his powers after receiving a dose of gamma radiation similar to that which transformed Bruce Banner into the incredible Hulk.

Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock is an artificially created human who was born in a cocoon at a scientific complex called The Beehive.



Ororo Monroe is the descendant of an ancient line of African priestesses, all of whom have white hair, blue eyes, and the potential to wield magic.

Thunderbird (John Proudstar)

Thunderbird (John Proudstar)

An exceptionally strong and vigorous athlete in his youth, John Proudstar’s mutant abilities first manifested when he wrestled a charging bison to save a young girl.



Born with super-human senses and the power to heal from almost any wound, Wolverine was captured by a secret Canadian organization and given an unbreakable skeleton and claws. Treated like an animal, it took years for him to control himself. Now, he's a premiere member of both the X-Men and the Avengers.



Feared and hated by humans because they're different, the X-Men are heroic mutants, individuals born with special powers who've sworn to use their gifts to protect mutants as well as humans.